About Isola

About Isola

Isola is a manufacturer of products and solutions for roofs, walls, floors and foundations. We are a market leader in Norway and have a very strong position with some niche products in several other markets.​

Isola solves damp problems and wants to make the daily work of all professional craftmen as efficient as possible.​ Products and solutions which we develop, test, further develop and then produce should make it easier for you to build moisture-resistent and energy-efficient.​

Therefore, in our motto is both an invitation and a strong promise…

Build simply better




Operations in 5 countries
Distribution in over 15 countries

Norway, Headquarter
Czech republic

Manufacturing plants


Isola as, Headquarter
Prestemoen 9
N-3946 Porsgrunn
Isola as, Platon factory
Lienfossveien 5
N-3678 Notodden

Czech Republic

Isola Powertekk s.r.o.
K Mrazirnam 1303/16
CZ – 77900 Olomouc
Isola Powertekk s.r.o.
Rudé armády 340
CZ - 788 15 Velké Losiny


Company structure

Isola is a Norwegian family-owned company in their 3rd generation

  • 1940: Foundation of the company in Brevik, Norway​
  • 1954: Launching of Isola Roofing Shingles​
  • 1970: Business moves to Porsgrunn, Norway​
  • 1982: Buying Platon factory in Notodden, Norway​
  • 1982: Establishes sales companies in Sweden and England​
  • 1988: Establishes strategic partnership with DuPont​
  • 1993: Establishes production company in Hungary​
  • 1993: Launches Platon DE 25 for green roofs in Europe ​
  • 1999: Establishes Isola Powertekk s.r.o. in Czech Republic​
  • 2000: Buying Norskerenna AS, a roof gutter production​
  • 2007-10: Investigation of 400 million in new and modern technology​
  • 2009-2011: Launching of Platon Flexi in Europa and USA​
  • 2018: Lauchning of Isola MEMBRA® wet room systems​
  • 2020: Establishes solar company - Isola Solar AS ​ ​

People at Isola

Se our leadership team and meet our employees!